Thursday 21 July 2011

The Trials and Sorrows of a Future Bio Grad

I have only one year of the B.S. (hopefully) and damn what a nasty period it is… 

You have to ask recommendations, and I have a nagging fear that the people in the lab will reply with something like: “You little sleazebag! I fart in your general direction, and you dare ask me for a recommendation?! “ or say sure, sure, and write  something evil. Being very nice people there is a chance that they will describe me as a wondrous wonder, but “hope for the best and expect the worse” is unfortunately the mode my mind is usually on.

What more, how do you choose a supervisor? What if he only looks nice but in reality is a massive wanker, who will give me two or more years of sizzling hell? And how do you write to them all? Wouldn’t it look bad if you write to ten people in five different areas?! And it’s hard to choose an area after hearing my coworkers whine for years on what a shitty job research tends to be; long on hours, short on money and a lovely radioactive and carcinogenic working environment…

So as you see many unfriendly question marks plug my mind.

I’m also pissed at my crappy marks that resulted from my lazy disposition and an unfounded faith in my brain power. As it turned out A’s don’t come running if you study two hours on the night before and rely on your moody lady luck during multiple choice…
Now, I’ll probably have to wait before applying to avoid embarrassing myself.

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